Sunday, July 13, 2008

Home sweet home

We are home, and first things first, thank you to mom of 3, for letting the 3 take care of Bo while we were away. Bo was very happy to see us and is sleeping with Gracie and momma on the couch right now.

The trip home was reasonably uneventful. Seven or so hours of driving and only two small detours. One 14 mile stretch of construction, 2 cans of Pringles, one bag of M&M's, 4 Cokes, 5 Diet Cokes, 5 rest areas, 1 gas station, 1 McDonald's, 1 Wendy's, 2 Bottles of water, 1 Mountain Dew, half a can of Skoal, 1 Juice Box, and 3 DVD's later we have made our 416 mile journey back home. Almost forgot, half a box of Tic Tacs and 2 pieces of gum were also consumed en route.

Driving bare foot is kinda weird, but this is the first time I have done it for any distance and I kinda liked it.

Anyway, enough of the nonsense, this post is about pictures. I want to share some pics of the event but most importantly I want to show you some pictures of Grace Bean. I have never had permission to post pictures of one of the Hunan 'sisters' before so I have been looking forward to sharing this with you. I think Gracie is beautiful, always have and always will, but, all of the Hunan girls have a stunning beauty to them in my opinion. Each one has a story, but that is not mine to tell, I would just like to thank our friends and her parents for this wonderful weekend and point out again how much it means to Gracie and us to get them together. The reunion was great, but I would have done the 800 miles round trip just to get G squared together for a few hours. It is worth it. If I would just stop talking and show you the pictures I am sure you will see what I mean.

Introducing G Squared, look at the love and orneriness in those faces!!!!!!!!!

These are bored faces..................

This face is tired, but she hits a second (or third, or fourth) wind here shortly and powers on for another 6 hours. This is the before dinner face, she played hard till, during and after dinner as well.

1 comment:

Angie said...

Can't wait to go back! The girls were just so precious!