Friday, July 4, 2008

Prayer update

Thank you to all the prayer warriors who have responded.

I don't have too much in the way of an update, but I will share what little bit I know at this point.

Isaiah made it through the surgery that attempted the Fontan procedure, and then the surgery to reverse the Fontan. At last word he was in ICU but stable. Less than 24 hours after what I believe is an open heart surgery on a 3 year old, he was able to sit up, recognize his parents and nod to them. I think his total time in surgery was something like 12 hours.

Isaiah will likely be in the hospital for some time to come because the procedure that didn't take was intended to correct a blood flow issue with his heart, he still has this original issue and the parents are faced with the decision of whether or not to allow another attempt at this some time in the future.

So, prayer warriors, keep it up, your efforts are always felt.

To God be the Glory and to God be the Praise for He is worthy,

Amen. Amen, and Amen.

PS: The reason my information is limited is because the parents have requested that all family and friends stay away from the hospital. They have made the choice to be alone in this with their son. I can respect and must respect this choice, but I know, and they know, they are not truly alone in anything because the Holy Spirit is with them and Christ is in them. I will update later with anything new that comes this way.

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