Thursday, November 29, 2007

Mike Huckabee.

After watching the latest debate last night I am now, more than ever, a Huckabee fan. I have been disappointed and disillusioned with what the republicans have offered up for quite some time now. I can say that Mike will get my primary vote and I hope to vote for him on election day. Is he perfect, no, is he ideologically in line with me, not entirely, is he the best man for the job, probably not. He is however the best running for the job and I am going to comment now as to why. Mike is a man of faith and I believe if he wins its because God put him there to do something. If God puts him there, I believe he will listen to the still small voice and behave as a Godly man. I post this short entry today with a link to his blog.

The second link is about faith.

I pray, Gods will be done,


1 comment:

Unknown said...

I lived in Arkansas while he was Governor, and he always seemed to be a man of integrity who was very open about his faith and didn't shy away from it at all. I'm glad he's doing well.