Tuesday, November 20, 2007


Why do we blog, that is the question of the evening.

Well, I can only speak for myself, but there are many reasons that I enjoy the opportunity to blog. First off its an opportunity to express my thoughts and get things off my chest so to speak. It also provides me with a chance to minister to others which is something I have come to enjoy over the last few years. There is also the more carnal side of things, I find it somewhat competitive as well. I check my sitemeter regularly for quantity of hits as well as location and reason of hit. I particularly enjoy when I get hits from foreign countries. I check to see if people left comments often as well. I check the IP addresses of each hit to see if I know who it is so I can keep track of regular readers. I enjoy it when other bloggers link to mine because it always increases my hits.

The ministry opportunity is the most important one. My testimony is posted on this blog under the title, "the story of Grace". I have witnessed in several other of the titles as well. I speak on my blog about my Saviour Jesus Christ as well as my awesome God and the effects they have had on my life.

I use the opportunity to express myself here frequently as well. I talk about my emotions, my past, and other issues that make up me. My friends are not usually surprised by my candor, but people I dont really know all that well are often taken aback by what I share. I find this to be somewhat therapeutic.

As far as the competitive side of things, this is just fun for me. I have had readers from Saudi Arabia, the Philippines, Hong Kong, Britain, Canada, and Spain. I am looking forward to getting a hit from China for obvious reasons. I have gotten many hits from at least 12 different states. The states most common to view this are Louisiana and California. I am linked to two blogs in California and one in Louisiana that all send me lots of traffic. Thank you to all of them. I really enjoy it when I notice people reading it that I wouldnt guess would bother to spend their time here.

It also provides me the chance to help with issues in some small way. You will find links to several other blogs on mine, but you will also find widgets that connect you to a "free Burma" link, a link to help Brian and maybe other hurting youth workers, and a link to Youth Ministry Exchange which is a wonderful online community of youth pastors, pastors, and volunteers.

I also just learned from a friend of mine that if you post enough political opinion posts you will begin to gets hits from Congress. I will most likely take a shot at this and try and save the world sometime soon.

Well that should conclude my drivel for this evening. I must be off to bed here soon. I have made it through and entire post without using the word urinal so maybe this will raise my reading level score a bit. ( another source of competition)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

you forgot the race with your wife to see who gets the most hits.....i don't know if we can be linked-like i said before i don't know how?????