What I stand for :
- Bacon - I stand for bacon, bacon is good, bacon is righteous, bacon is necessary, bacon is.
- Free Speech - I believe any jerk should be able to state his/her opinion when asked, and even if the rest of us don't like it, that's okay. We don't have to hate the guy, attack the guy, or try to ruin or influence the guy thru force. It's an opinion, not an action. it's a belief, not a policy. It's the way one person sees a subject. We are entitled to a different opinion, but that is all we are entitled to. Tossing in a little scripture here, he/she is our neighbor and we are called to love them, that is all. The two things that pop to mind here are the ongoing Chick-Fil-A debacle and that Bill Maher guy. Opposite ends of the spectrum in every way, but regardless , my Christian brothers and sisters, we are entitled to our opinion but we are not entitled to our judgement or hate.
- Freedom of religion - While I wish and pray that everyone accepts the truth, comes to Christ and then begins a life long journey towards a sanctified life in discipleship, I know that is not the way the world was designed. I do not believe it is right to force, coerce , or kill others because they do not see things the same way as *we* do. Speaking as a Christian, with my own understanding, we are to lead by being a light, an example, by being different than the world.
- Community - I am for community. We need each other, and we should need each other. We should be able to influence each other and work together for common goals.
- Life - (What ?) I am for life. Every person should have one. Too many people these days exist, but do not live. That is a shame. In order to have a life, you must have feelings, you must enjoy, you must regret etc etc.
- Sanctity of human life - (oh, bet you thought this was where I was going last time huh ) Yes, I believe all human life should have value. That means I am not for the death penalty, I am not for abortion. I will even take it one step further, I am not for the movie industry or the video game industry either. Now, before you slam down you fist in forget point number 1, no I am not being a hypocrite here. I have enjoyed many a movie filled with senseless violence,and I have killed a million or more aliens and asteroids and caterpillars ( showing my age here ) but I think the overabundance of death and destruction in video format has become sensory overload for the developing mind. I am not suggesting a ban on video games or movies ( although I am suggesting a ban on the death penalty and abortions ).
- Parenting - yes, I am for parenting. I think it would be awesome if more people who have 'produced' kids would actually raise them. Raising them means being involved in their lives, leading them by example, spending time mentoring them, telling them NO once in a while, telling them YES when you don't want to once in a while. Dare I say, raise them up in the way they should go and they will not part from it ??
- Regulations - (gasp ) yes, a liberal viewpoint from conservative me. We need to regulate the following , desperately, the banking industry, the financial sector (ie wallstreet ) the insurance industry and the medical industry.
- Free market - ( but didn't you just say !! ) yes, we need regulations, but we also need the market to move about freely, reign in the EPA and OSHA etc, they wield too much power.
- Meaningful Campaign reform - you should not have to raise a billion dollars to run for county commissioner. This system is just buying votes and buying policy at this stage.
- Puppies - I mean, com'on who isn't for puppies.
- Marriage- ( that bwess-ed arrangement ) Yep, had to go here, a marriage is a God blessed institution and should be between a man and a women. Now, having said that, I also have no issue with same sex couples making a permanent commitment to each other and then receiving the same benefits and punishments via the tax code and other entities. You could call it a same sex civil union, or call it whatever you want. The state that honors the arrangement can even call it marriage if they so choose, I am just saying this. There is a difference between a biblical marriage and a secular marriage. Both arrangements should be treated the same from a legal , political , standpoint, but from a religious standpoint, they do differ. ( glad I don't own a fast food restaurant ) I will again remind you of a previous statement, they are our neighbors, we are called to love them and that is all we are called to do.
- Tax code revision - chuck the whole thing and start over !!
- Adoption - personal beef here.... our domestic system stinks !! Reform the system and provide more national guidelines. It is not uncommon for adoptive parents to adopt a child from a different state, however, adopting from a different country is more efficient due to rules changes from state to state. The child is supposed to be the priority here..... often said, but the actions do not follow the statement.
- Meatballs - a nearly perfect food. I am for meatballs. If you wrap a meatball in bacon, then you may have just built a golden calf !
Thanks for the question Adam !! Got me motivated to blog again .....