Wednesday, January 2, 2008


What do we have to look forward to? When I look back at 2007 I see a year of trials and a year of changes and a year of growth and a year of survival. I see a year of getting my hands dirty and my back tired and face sweaty. I see a year of conflicts and a year of conquests. When I look forward to 2008 I wonder what God has in store for the next year. I believe I will try to digest it all one day at a time, but I am now going to try and prophesy (pronounced Prof-e-sigh) what happens next.

1) Gracie will grow older and wiser at a pace that is astonishing, but she will still struggle with the concept of being silent, or a least quiet. Much to the chagrin of her parents.
2) We will meet up with more YMX folks, or internet stalkers as I like to call them.
3) We will have another tearful reunion with at least some of the Hunan Honeys at some point this year.
4) I will find a new ministry outlet.
5) I will make concrete plans to invest in business dealings that lead to me taking over the world.
6) I will attend 2 funerals and 1 wedding and celebrate the birth of one new life born to a friend. This new life will be a miracle all of its own, not just because life is miraculous but because this life already has God’s fingerprints on it.
7) We will have influence over another adoption story. We have adopted once and assisted once, and counseled many times, this year will bring even more influence in adoption stories. This may even be the ministry outlet I am being led toward, but this is not for me to decide.
8) People will complain about the BCS and we will have no clear champion in college football.
9) The New England Patriots are upset and fail to gain the perfect season. Their season ends on a dropped pass by Randy Moss.
10) Osama Bin Laden comes out of hiding after the elections are over and unleashes a wave of bombings across Europe.
11) A US leader is assassinated and we try to blame it on Jihad, but it turns out to be domestic.
The stock market crashes, drops below 10000 in a month of sharp declines as the price of oil hits $150 a barrel and interest rates soar.
12) Angie will acquire 9 more Vera Bradley purses, two new coats and a new kitchen in an attempt to stabilize the world economy.
13) Gracie will increase her fan club south of the border as we will finally make it to Mexico. Her fan club will not however be increased by the passengers in the flying aluminum echo chamber that transports us to our destination. An increase in birth control device sales can be tracked to people on flight 603 out of Cincinnati to Houston and flight 214 from Houston to Cozumel.
14) Angie will pray with another infertile women who later becomes renamed by God as mom.
15) Cell phone usage linked to carpel tunnel, estuation tube cancer, cervical abnormalities, and IQ loss in teenage girls. The AMA sites over usage of phone, texting, and poor storage methods for the pandemic.
16) Gracie takes her first bus ride and goes off to kindergarten. Mom cries.
17) Chuck Norris is appointed as secretary of defense under the Huckabee administration.
18) Michael Vick is charged with gambling and racketeering. He is still behind bars when these charges are filed. Something about cockroach races. He is accused of setting up an international ring of prison gambling.
19) Michael Jackson is charged with child abuse in Singapore. He is sentenced to hang by his willy until dead.
20) The Pope resigns.
21) Peyton Manning retires.
22) George Forman comes back, again.
23) Parcells comes back, (oops that already happened)
24) Rambo comes back to theatres ( opens Jan. 25th)
25) My blog hits 10000 visitors and I start making a small fortune with annoying little ads all up and down the sides. I even get my own pop up on myspace, the home of all annoying ads.
26) Our household is picked for a make over by HGTV. They contacted us citing that the Neilson ratings from our house state that HGTV is on an average of 12 hours a day, so as a thank you they want to redo our kitchen. Once they realized that Angie can recite every episode of design star from memory, they decided to hire her as an advisor.

Okay, some of these predictions might be a little out of line. I mean, Gracie might not go to kindergarten and a YMX friend might not visit this year, who knows. I am expecting to at least get a Christmas card from HGTV though. Whatever happens this next year, I look forward to it.

Be Blessed and Bless others.


Patti said...

oh. my. goodness! Chris, that was really, really funny, except the football part. That's just wrong. ;-)

Thanks for seeing the parable-esque nature of my post today, and for letting me know.

Todd Porter said...

You crack me up. Hopefully, that visit from a YMX friend will be us as we move down south. :)

Angie said...

I DO NOT WATCH DESIGN STAR!!! Not since the first season anyway. I'm hoping for Candace Olsen from Divine Design!

And maybe another Vera Bradley purse!

Dreaming again said...

I'm in tears I'm laughing so hard!!!

Gracie will too charm everyone on the airplane! How dare you say she won't!

And ... you left off Angie gaining control of the world by bombing everyone in sight!

Walls Down Church Kids said...

I just found your site when I googled 'maineville ohio'. I am enjoying reading through your posts!

So why was I googling Maineville? we are looking to move to the area and I'm looking to hear all about it and meet some people before we even get there!

kybluegal0828 said...

Christopher-that's not funny about Peyton Manning!

By the way-how many pairs of shoes will sis acquire??