Tuesday, August 28, 2012

First is last

I am broken

I am perfect

I am perfect in my brokenness

As I lay in a hospital and suffer I am healed , I recover

As I lay and die I am comforted by a hope in my future because I am going home

I have conflict , turmoil , frustrations and faults

I struggle, I triumph , I improve , I decrease

As I decrease in me, I increase in being useful

I fail , I repent , I succeed

As I walk away, I get closer

the weaker I am , the stronger I am

I have a purpose,  a reason , a mission , a goal , none of which I choose , all of which are good

I am filthy and I am spotlessly unblemished

I fall but never find the ground

I gain everything when I give everything

what I am given I don't deserve and don't earn

what I give away has a cost but what I am given is priceless

I learn

I love

I live

I die

I live

I am

I am because He is

I am because He did

I am because there is a reason for me

I can because He can

He did because I couldn't

I must because He did

I can because He did

I am here

He is

I am loved

He is

I am necessary

He is

I am someone

He is

I am something

He is everything

What I can not

He already did

When I do not

He already did

I am because He is " I am "

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