Thursday, August 20, 2009

Judy Judy Judy

If you watched the above Youtube, you saw Goober doing his impersonation of Cary Grant saying Judy Judy Judy from the movie Only Angels have Wings. The story I have to tell today is that Judy is Goober.......... Not to mention that Judy is not Rita Hayworth.

So, who is Judy you might ask. Judy is the customer service representative from Rumpke that I spoke with yesterday. If you have followed the story of the flies that I detailed in the previous post, you might have noticed that it would be a really really good idea to get that trash can full of rotting matter gone before the maggot population grew enough to become a demographic group all their own.

In light of this, Angie called Rumpke and spoke with Judy. After not getting anywhere, Angie called me and gave me the number and requested that I please handle it. I,as always, am more than willing to chat with the folks in customer service. I mean, after all, I am the customer and they are there to service me, correct?

I called the young lass in customer service to see, oh what could the matter be, and as it turns out, she was of little help to me.

Does anybody remember Fran Drescher?

So Judy, the Fran sound alike, answers the phone and asks what can she do for me. I explain the situation, reminding her that she just spoke with my wife a few minutes ago. To which she replied, yeah.... (yeah, yeah? not yes, not yes sir, not a you are correct or yes I did, but a yeah) Oh we are already off on the wrong foot. So, as I continue, knowing full well she is aware of the situation, the 150lb maggot incubation system parked in my driveway, and I ask her a few simple questions.

One, when my wife asked if you could make an emergency midweek pick up due to the problem we are having, she says that you told her you could, but it might be a few days, you were not sure, and you were not sure how much it would cost, is that correct.

Juday say-ith, Yeah, that's it, I spoke with the supervisor and he said he might be able to get to ii in few days but wasn't sure, and he isn't sure how much the charge would be. We will attempt to make accommodation for you as best as we can.

Ma'am, your not making accommodation for me if you charge me, charging me is fine, as long as you can give me a time and price, but you cant. Your making accommodation for the poor guy who has to pick up the can. Several days from now isn't going to be pretty. Your making accommodation for the rest of the neighborhood who might be your customers, but your not accommodating me.

Next question, you have a separate guy who drops off new cans and picks up old ones. Would this guy be available sooner? I am going to need a new can, of this I am certain.

Juday say-ith The new tote would take 7 to 10 working business days.

Ma'am how about I just cancel my service, would that get the can picked up ?

Juday say-ith. That will also be 7-10 working days. (at this point I wonder what her definition of working is, but maybe its just me)

Okay, Ma'am, just cancel my service and come get the can at your leisure.

Juday say-ith. Okay, if that is what you would like to do, I will schedule a pick up and cancel your service.

Thank you ma'am, and you have a nice day....( bless her heart.....)

Juday say-ith, and you have a nice day too ( I think she just told me off, but that's okay at this point because I have just begun)

About 10 minutes later I call Rumpke's competitor, CSI, and speak to their customer service representative name Simone.

"Good afternoon, this is Simone at CSI, how may I help you today?"

ah the sound of a nice person who seems to at least pretend to want to do her job, how refreshing.

Simone asked for my name and address after I asked her what the cost of her residential service would be. From that point on she referred to me as, ----- Mr. Wilson. (hey MR. WILSON...)

She then asked if she could start my service or if I was just inquiring about price. (notice she used to word inquire, not ask, or axe about the price)

I then took a minute of her time to explain the whole sordid tale as to why I just dumped Rumpke and why I would need to start service with CSI next week. She said, and I quote, "oh my, Mr. Wilson would you please hold a minute and I will see if we have a truck in your area so we can come on by and get that can empty?"

Yes Ma'am I can hold.

A few minutes later she came back and apologized for leaving me on hold (for less than 90 seconds) and said that one of their drivers would be by later that day and empty the can for us. CSI went out of their way to empty the Rumpke can that Rumpke wouldn't empty and not only was I not there customer before now, but they did not even charge me for it. She did say that if this were to happen and I was a regular customer they would be out in 24 hours and there would be a $20 charge, but since I just signed up she would just take care of this unfortunate situation.

KUDOS to Simone. She recognizes what the word 'service' means and when you sell a service you should provide service to the customer because clients pay for the service that in turn pays their salary and gives them a job. What a concept, a concept lost on Juday Juday Juday no doubt.

Within hours, that's right I said hours, CSI should up at my homestead and took the contents of the fly incubation unit off to the land fill.

Now, we are not done yet, not by a long shot. Now I am home and have seen the empty can, with nary a fly in the area. I did see one or two flies in the garage and they looked rather depressed. Kind of like party crashers who had a flat on the way and missed the party. So when I enter my abode I make yet another phone call attempting to seek out Miss Judy. I need to speak with Rumpke one more time for two reasons. First, I need some money back. The trash collection service is paid in three month increments and not only do I have some time left in August, but I have a credit balance that was forwarded to September and I want my cash back. The lady who answers this time is not Judy. I ask to speak to Judy but she is unavailable. I then start the whole story over, but this lady has already heard the story. She is very apologetic on behalf of Mrs. Judy, but I told her that it was too late for that and while she was fine, Mrs. Judy was not at all helpful. I then informed her that Judy had cost them a customer all on her own and I wanted a check back for my overpayment and service not used.

This lady was doing her best, I will give her credit for that. She did all she could do but she told me that since I had a contract I would not be getting a check for the un used service. I explained that this is why I was no longer a customer, Rumpke obviously thinks so little of their customers, and that if she would look at it from the users point of view she would see that we were paying for a service that we would not be receiving. I again give her credit because when it was all said and done, she spoke with her supervisor and got me my money back anyway, as a one time courtesy!

Why thank you Rumpke for your courtesy!!

I have been telling this story over and over to anyone who will give me a moment to listen. I have made one other convert this week. If you use Rumpke, please consider switching to CSI. It is a little more expensive, but at this moment, it is worth the extra cash. I would love to see a mass exodus from Rumpke, maybe they would improve their service if this happened. I don't expect it to, but sometimes you just have to make yourself heard by using your feet and walking away.

You would think that in these difficult economic times, people would bend over backwards to provide service if that's what they are employed to do. I am always surprised by the lack of good customer service in some industries. These are not good times right now, I think some of these places and some of these people may soon find themselves seeking customer service from the government in the form of unemployment checks. I hope they are happy with the level of service they receive from the unemployment office. Having been there once years ago, the bad service providers will get a new frame of reference on what it feels like to receive bad service...

Rant concluded, move along, nothing else to see here......


Dreaming again said...

wow ... wow! I never knew that people had a choice in waste removal services. Every place I've lived it's a town thing and you pay the city ...and everyone has the same service.

Ruth said...

"You would think that in these difficult economic times, people would bend over backwards to provide service if that's what they are employed to do."

Sounds like Judy was trying to get you to bend over frontwards!

Angie said...

Ruth!! That made me snort!