Saturday, November 21, 2009

Friends of Chaos

Okay friends of my blog, I have a request.

I have been suffering from some writers block as of late. I haven't had as many cute Gracie stories to share, and without those I don't have much interesting in life to write about. I could bore you with stories about managing a machine shop and your eyes would glaze over in minutes. I could discuss the my family relations, my financial activities, or daily chores, but again, the yawning would deplete oxygen is left in the atmosphere.

The the holidays are upon us , sucking the life from us like a dead walrus laying across our chests, I would like to find something new to write about this holiday season.

I could write more stories about reindeer poop, Santa's crack habit, or the newest technology in urinal development. I could write more political commentary about what "change" we "hoped" for and what change we have left now. I could write some deep theological commentary about the Theology of the Cross vs. the Theology of Glory. I have a large repertoire of vomit stories I could share, but alas I will move on.

In moving on, I would like to break the staleness of my mind by providing myself with a challenge. I have done this once before and with your help created several foolish stories that were at least moderately entertaining, and good work outs for my creative brain.

Here is my request of my few faithful readers.

I would like each of you to take ONE part of speech and give me a list of 5 options. Clarifying a bit, I would like one of you to give me 5 nouns, someone else to give me 5 proper nouns, some one else to give me 5 verbs, and someone to give me 5 adjectives, etc. I will then take this random list of items, actions, conditions, and people and see what my slightly twisted mind can generate.

Oh, and one last thing, if your late to the party and somebody has already 'stolen' your part of speech, I am certainly willing to make this a mini series, so if you feel froggy you can give me 5 of each all on your own, and I will see what I can do............

Thanks for your input


Ruth said...

Alrighty, I get to pick first! I'll do verbs:






Dreaming again said...

I'll give you five Adjectives


and one for good measure


Pastor Eldred said...

Nouns it is!



teak deck

arc welder
