Tuesday, April 22, 2008

Tagged again

Okay, I have again been a victim of a run by tagging. Blog tag is one of those odd little things that we just get snookered into once in a while. Its usually pretty cool, it helps to give you a topic to blog about when you may not really have one. The rules to this tagging are simple and I am going to break most of them right now. I am supposed to link back to the person who tagged me, I am supposed to publish 6 random things about myself, and then tag six other people and let them know about it by commenting on their blog. I will now play the game, sorta. I am going to acknowledge my tagger and link back to her blog. I was tagged by my friend Amy. Her main page is listed on my blog roll but I will enclose a link that should take you to the tagging post. (http://atypicalgirl.wordpress.com/2008/04/21/lets-play-tag/ ) Amy has a really neat blog that bounces all over the board on the topics. She is a cool young lady with a lot of cyberspace stuff going on, she has a photo blog, of which I am a minor contributor, and an online magazine. All of which can be accessed through her main blog. Now, thanks to Amy for tagging me. I wont be tagging six people in return however. I will tag two unofficially, Digger and Angie, your unofficially tagged. I will also now publish 12 (instead of six) random facts about myself.

  1. I am a pushover for little Chinese girls, especially my daughter, but any Chinese girl can pretty much ask me for the moon and I will begin hunting up a lasso.
  2. My body and facial expressions always always always lie about me and what I am thinking. I cant help it, I look like a terrorist with a thorn stuck in my heal but I really a soft hearted teddy bear.
  3. I get pulled aside at any and every security check point I approach in American airports.
  4. I am married to a very beautiful and tolerant woman who I love very much, even when she is interrupting me.
  5. I am a born again, washed in the Blood, redeemed, sanctified, and justified Christian who is but a sinner on fire for Jesus and a willing servant to my Father, the Father of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob, Creator of Heaven and earth.
  6. I like bright shiny objects, car crashes, and watch the military channel to watch things get blown up.
  7. Bigots make me angry. You wont like me if I am angry.
  8. I love food, cooking it, eating it, smelling it, yum - oh.
  9. I cant dance, don't ask, I just cant, God did not bless me with the ability to move gracefully or in time to music, I have to watch the guy next to me just to clap in time with the music at church. Gracie has better rhythm than me and she falls down alot.
  10. I believe God is like the clapper, if you have fallen and cant get up, just clap three times and the Light will come on and the Holy Spirit will pick you up and dust you off.
  11. I am at times a bit sarcastic, hard to believe I know, but its true. I also like metaphors, hyperbole's, and deep reaching symbolism's, but I cant offer a textbook definition of any of the above. I also cant spell.
  12. I like to be pretty sometimes. Just sometimes.

Well, Digger and Angie, its your turn if you want to continue the tag game. Sorry I didn't follow all the rules Amy, but being a bit off is just my nature.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Chris, thanks for playing along. I actually am moving the photos over to backseatwriter.com and I was going to ask you if you wanted your photos moved over...is that cool? Let me know!

Thanks for all the compliments! :)