Monday, November 19, 2007

Last minute

Oh my, another busy week, but this time we got some good things done. First off, we sold the other house. We are now down to one mortgage. I waited all week for the other shoe to drop and something to go wrong. I felt like nothing would go bad but I kept expecting one more hurdle to appear. Closing was at 10 o’clock Friday and I needed to leave work at about 9 so I could drive up to the house and pick up Angie and drive back to the closing. At 8:55 I get a cell phone call that is a number I don’t recognize. I answer it and it’s the title agency telling me that I need to call and get a payoff amount on the second mortgage and have them fax it to their office. I tell her I need to leave in 5 minutes to come to closing, she says without that number she cant close so call her back and then she’ll meet us there. Nothing like waiting till the last minute. So I call, get the number for her (why she didn’t do her own job I still don’t get) and call her back. After pressing “1” for English, “2” for service, entered my social security number, account number, birthday, and blood type, pressed “3” to speak to a person who would ask me for all of the above information again with the addition of my first pets name and mothers maiden name, and pressed “4” to signify that I haven’t lost my mind and hung up yet, finally I get a near human voice. I obtain the number and call the title agency back to let her know I have done her job and will most likely be late. She said that’s okay, she’ll be late too, oh joy. I was expecting the “semi-flaccid fecal projectile to reach terminal velocity as its vector attenuated towards the rotational device of vapor displacement causing indeterminate translocation of said fecal material into a polar arrayed pattern of stench.” In other words, I was expecting the *^%$ to hit the fan, and it turned out to be incredibly stupid, but not that big a deal. We closed and walked away with a little money, very little considering, but its done.
We also had some out of town company this week. Adam and Todd stayed the night with us on their way to Atlanta for the National Youth Workers Convention. It was nice to see both of them again. Adam was fun to watch because he was as nervous as a school kid getting ready to do his first oral book report on a book he only read cliff note on. That’s not to say he wasn’t prepared, but he was nervous. I think God has just really moved him outside his comfort zone, way outside. I like to see that because it’s the same thing He did to me. As an aside, both of these guys are from Michigan and were at the house before “the game”. They didn’t stop by on the way home. That was a shame.
In the way of a Gracie update, we got the Christmas card pictures done the weekend as well. She is becoming such a camera ham. I can just see her glow with pride and hear the song, “I feel pretty, oh so pretty” when she is the center of attention in front of the camera. I will post a link right here once I figure out what the link is.
Other news, check the Raising Lazarus fund, its growing, slowly, but growing.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

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