Tuesday, April 15, 2008

wait your turn

Suddenly I feel old. Well, maybe not old, but overwhelmed with my inability to cope with reality. A couple of things have been going on lately. It seems that life refuses to take a number and get in line. It would be nice if we could just hang one of those tape number machines around our neck, you know, like the ones you find at the deli counter. That way any new issue with life that pops up has to take a number and wait its turn. No I cant deal with a medical situation this week I am still having work issues, besides medical situations are number 19 and I am still serving number 15, you have to wait until work issues, Gracie issues, and my own mental instability are dealt with, then I will deal with medical situations. Right now I am trying to (deep breath) Reorganize the garage so I can move the entire basement into the garage and begin the process of finishing the basement. This project will require a multitude of tricks to pull it off without death, bloodshed and financial ruin. Negotiations with spouse are ongoing and we have no hostage situations as of yet. I am trying to cope with mom being bounced from hospital to Cleveland clinic to rehab center back to hospital and hopefully soon back to rehab center in a two-week time frame. (Added and repaired a heart stint and then came down with pneumonia and a pulmonary embolism resulting from the combination of heparin and pneumonia) I am trying to cope with a work situation that has resulted in one employee being fired and we are now running short handed, just as work is picking back up. I am trying to spend some time working in the yard and getting things pretty this year since last year we did absolutely nothing outside due to just moving in. People who know me are all ready aware of my issues with being mentally unstable so I won’t go into that issue. We are also starting to run into financial challenges due to some of the projects that are on the docket. We have finally joined a new church as well, although I still am a bit skeptical of some things, but I am keeping an open mind and heart. I didn’t really view or call myself a Methodist for the last 8 years, I don’t see me calling myself a Lutheran either. Add to this list the fact that my Gracie has decided to grow up and become active in things. She starts kindergarten in a few months (August ) and she is already signed up to be the littlest cheerleader as well as to play fall soccer. I can’t believe she is already into school activities. The next thing I know she will be riding a bus and having homework and all that other stuff. I am looking forward to running off the boys when she reaches the teenage years, I just don’t know if I am ready to grasp the fact that the teenage years are only a minute or two after kindergarten. I thinks me needs a nap.
Sometimes I am glad I am a superhero.


Dreaming again said...

You just made me cry.

High school graduation is just 3 weeks away.

Kindergarten was just 3 weeks ago ...how did this happen?? (ok, so this last sentence is a bit of an exaggeration and the first is reality)

Anonymous said...

I was gonna say...wow, PK, you just have a brilliant kid who can go from kindergarten to graduation in six weeks. Not even Doogie Howser could do that and he was a fictional character!

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