Fill this out about your SENIOR year of high school! O, so long ago
1. Did you date someone from your school? Not really, the last few weeks of my senior year I sort of dated a girl named Melissa, but dating might be a stretch of the definition. Mostly it was just me and my pet rock.
2. How many were in your graduating class? 97 on campus and 109 if you count the Vocational school kids who graduated in the class.
3. Did you car pool to school? Drove or walked usually. I lived on the edge of town.
4. What kind of car did you have In High School? 1979 Monte Carlo with air shocks on the back that would adjust the height of the rear end up and down. It also had spoked hub caps that were supposed to look like rims. Can you say 'pimp my ride' ?
6. Its Friday night…where were you? Skyline eating cheese coney's with chili, cheese, and extra mustard. Or, driving through Lincoln Heights hosing down the bums standing around the fire barrels in the middle of the streets with a refillable fire extinguisher stolen from a Holiday Inn. We would hang the thing out the window of the car as we drove by.( I know I know, but young and stupid is young and stupid)
7. What was your favorite class? Auto I think was my fave as a senior.
8. Whats something you did everyday in high school? Went to the senior lounge, the one and only year it was open. Apparently that turned out to be a bad idea, who knew.
9. Favorite Memory of HS? Pulling a SMALL pocket knife out of my pocket and poking a small hole in my best friends Pepsi and rolling it down the hall hosing down all the lockers. They are probably still sticky to this day.
10. Where were all the parties held? Dont remember, I was never there.
11. Were you considered a flirt?I was considered a lot of things, flirt would most likely not make that list. Geek, dweeb, nerd, social mutant, homely hom-ie, and "that" guy might make the list, but flirt wouldn't be it.
12. Were you in band, orchestra, or choir? No, no and Nyet...
13. Did you have best friends? Darin (Dawg or Titty in HS), Dennis, and Mike.
14. Did you get suspended or expelled? Deserved to once or twice, but no.
15. Can you sing the Alma Mater? " Loy-al to Hu-dy, our great brew-er-ee, " okay, maybe thats a no because I cant get the 'other' version out of my head.
16. Who was/were your favorite teacher(s)? Mr. Theilmeyer, because of quotes I remember to this day.
- "Every step is bone on bone"
- "Not even the rocks are forever"
- "You need to learn to seperate the need to know, from the nice to know, from the not to know."
- "Everything in life comes down to one thing, surface area"
17. Where did you sit at lunch? Usually had no lunch so this was not a normal event.
18. What was your school’s full name? Reading Community High School
19. When did you graduate? 1986
20. What was your school mascot? Blue Devils
21. If you could go back and do it again, would you? Aint no way I would do that again. If I could do it over differently knowing what I know now, maybe, just maybe, but otherwise, no.
22. Did you have fun at Prom? You must be kidding. I didnt go to prom either year. I couldnt get a date in a womens prison with a fist full of pardons. I began to ask for dates by walking up to groups of girls and asking if anyone would like to go to prom with me. Even the bald one eyed girl who smelled like aged cheese and was in desperate need of dental work was going to run from me like I had anthrax. Short of using chloroform, prom was just not going to happen.
23. Would you talk to the person you went to Prom with? See above, but I would like to talk to the legions of ladies who turned me down.
24. Are you planning on going to your next reunion?Yes, but I dont know why.
25. Do you still talk to people from school? Just one, Dawg.
I wasnt feeling exceptionally creative today but I wanted to get a post in so I pirated this from my friend Todd. HT to Todd.
If you would like to add in your two cents please feel free.
Speaking of your two cents. I have noticed that the last 2 months or so my sitemeter has been registering a lot less hits than it used to. This might be because I am getting boring and predictable, or it might mean that I am getting fewer random hits because of my choice of topics and nomenclature. Another possibility is that more and more people are using that devilish feed reader thing and not showing up on the sitemeter. I would like to request that due to my technological handicappedness everyone who is a regular or occasional reader leave a comment here so I can get a better idea who my audience is. If you have a favorite type of post, please clue me in to that as well. If you wish to remain anonymous, that's fine too, just leave an anonymous comment with maybe some clue as to how you know me or this blog and what you might like to see more or less of. Thank you for your assistance.
I read all your posts. I've got you on my blog reader so it doesn't show on your site. But I'm one of your faithful readers! Lots of times I read your posts out loud for my hubby to hear. It's fun to watch him laugh until he chokes! (ok, that didn't sound right, but you know what I mean!)
Since I'm a regular reader here do I win something? Maybe that would draw more hits...ya know,"freebies", or contests. I'd still come visit even with out a prize.
but something for you to consider...maybe the slow down in site traffic is due to your lack of references to urinals. You had quite a streak going there for a while...or maybe not. I'm just sayin'. I think that it's something to consider. =)
Anyway...I loved the 3rd eye post, but you probably should have had a liquids warning on that one, or maybe you did and I foolishly ignored it. Whatever, it's definitely a classic.
Faithful reader via Google Reader. I read everything you write, so as long as you keep writing, I'll keep reading. Anytime "spider monkey" or "fistful of pardons" can be used, it is sure to generate a belly-laugh... and I need those!
Dont let him choke Ruth, give him the Heimlich or something, I will be attempting to give Charlie his next belly laugh by taking Lois up on her suggestion and writing a post about urinals soon.
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