Let me give you the background of this one first in hopes it makes some sense. Gracie, my 5 year old Chinese princess, was playing with her mom a while ago and they were making plans to cut off my skin tag while I slept. They were playing secret agent and trying to come up with a plan to sneak up on me and cut it off. ( I have a large skin tag under my right arm that Gracie calls "Jeepers sleeping bag". Jeeper is her imaginary friend who lives in my ear) Mom developed the code words, " it ain't easy bein' cheezy" to start the rouse. Well this went on for some time and still comes up once in a while. I decided that turn about was fair play and developed an issue of my own.
I was carrying Gracie around the house on my shoulders, piggy back style. Why, I don't know she just likes to do that. I walk around with her on my shoulders for a few minutes most days. The other day we were "wallering" as mom calls it. We were wallering around on the stairs behind the couch Angie sits at. Angie hollered at us to "stop that wallering". She did so without turning around to look at us. This was my golden opportunity.
Me: "Gracie, we need to behave, mom is watching us right now"
Gracie:" No she isn't, she is looking the other way"
Me:" Gracie, she is watching us with her third eye, the one she has in the back of her head"
Gracie:" She doesn't have three eyes, that's silly, ................ are you teasing me?"
Me:" No, I would never do that to you, she has an extra eye in the back of her head, all moms do. Its one of those things that moms get when they become a mom"
Gracie:" Do you have three eyes too? ( as she looks at the back of my bald head)"
Me:" No, of course not, I am not a mom, I am a dad"
Gracie:" She does not,,,,,,,,,, were is it?"
Me:" Right there, under her hair, in the back of her head"
(Gracie creeps up a little closer and tries to look)
Mom:" I SEE YOU"
(Gracie jumps back about two feet and trips landing into me sitting on the stairs. Giggling the whole time)
Me:"Gracie, I have an idea, why dont you poke mom in her third eye, we can sneak up on her, wont that be fun."
Gracie:" It aint easy bein' cheezy"
Me:" hop on my back again and we will sneak up on her"
( like a fat bald man with a giggling 5 year old on his shoulders could sneak up on anybody)
Gracie:" Okay, lets do it. The rooster crows at midnight"
Gracie hops up on my back and I sneak up as best as possible behind mom who is struggling not to laugh and watching all of this in the reflection of her laptop screen. I have Gracie bare foot in my hand and start to reach her big toe toward that third eye.
Gracie:" AAAAAAAAAHHhh, stop it, I dont want to poke her in her eye"
Well, that's the background to the story of mom and her third eye, now for the part that just happened I wanted to share with you. Gracie was on my lap the other night and I was running my fingers through that nest on her head and I had an idea. One of those Grinch like terribly wonderful rotten ideas.
Me:" Gracie, hold still, let me look at this on the back of your head. HOLD still a second Gracie. Wow, Gracie, you have an eye bud back here. You know what that means? That means when you grow up your going to be a mom someday."
Gracie:" Is it open?"
Me:" No, its just a little bud, a little dark bump. Its kinda like with new born puppies, its there but you have to grow up a bunch before it will open and you can see out of it." ( Actually its probably a knot from where she whacked her head on the bathroom door knob)
Gracie:" Oh, where is it at? Where is it? Can I see it?"
Me:" Sure you can, go look in the mirror, its right here"
Gracie:" Where?"
Me:" Right there, feel that, its right there"
Gracie runs off to the bathroom to look in the mirror. Two problems I know of but she hasn't figured out yet. She can barely see anything in the bathroom mirror because its too tall for her, and she has not mastered the physics of needing two mirrors to see your backside. After she works diligently at trying to see it, including three trips up and down the steps.
Finally she proclaimed that she saw it.
" I see it, I see it"
Then she jumped on my lap and whispered to me,
" not really, but I feel it, can you show it to me later?"
I am going to get some serious mileage out of this one.
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