Monday, July 28, 2008

New product release

Normal Chaos Productions has retained the service of Billy Mays to represent the our newest offering to the public. We have chosen him because he has a well established reputation with other cleaning and chemical products. Just listen as Normal Chaos offers its newest product to you first, because your special like that.

:::::::::::: Pay attention pet owners, I have what you have been looking for. What is your least favorite pet related chore? That thing you look forward to the least as it is associated with the maintenance of your pet. Whether you have a dog or a cat, a horse, a cow or a moose, or even a mouse, the most dreaded part of caring for our furry loved ones is the need for excavating the excrement, picking up the poo, shoveling the snicker doodles, cleaning up the cluster bombs. We all hate cleaning up after our pets. It doesn't matter if your pet leaves you love lumps in its cage, yard bombs in the back yard, or brown lava slides in your barn, we must clean it up and we all just hate it. Even the responsible pet owner who pick up fluffy's solid flatulence off the sidewalk does so with a little bit of embarrassment and a lot of nasal dread.

Well, no more, thanks to the wonderful, and good looking, people at Normal Chaos. They have developed a solution for you, the pet owner. No more picking up the paddy with a plastic bag and hoping the neighbors arent looking, no more shoveling the sheep dip, or scooping up the yard bombs. I would like to introduce to you the new spray on yard sanitizer, DO-B-DUN. DO-B-DUN is a fast acting chemical decompositor that will render any pile of poo not only odorless and colorless, but mass less as well. Thats right, one quick spritz from our convenient 12oz trigger sprayer is enough to make a St. Bernard's left behinds vanish entirely. Its almost like magic, but it doesn't really disappear, it decomposes into fine dust and wisps itself away. No more stooping for scooping, just pull the trigger and DO-B-DUN will blast away the offending material in just seconds. We have created this product in several convenient sizes, 12oz for dogs, cats, ferrets, gerbils, mice, etc. 24oz for large breed dogs, 36oz for horses and sheep, and 48 oz for cows, moose or other large animals. You ever go camping? It works on your poo too!!! Too good to be true I know.

This product is not available in stores, it is only available by calling 1-900-012-NCPP, again that number is 1-900-012-NCPP. Call today and make your life easier, and smell better.

Legal disclaimer, this product is not intended for use around children, animals, plants, water, or anything else you value.
Active ingredients are Napalm, sulfuric acid, witch hazel, black powder, and snake spit. Please follow instructions closely and do not let come in contact with eyes or skin or clothes. Please store at least 1000 ft from your place of residence except in the case of the 48oz bottle in which case you should store it below ground in a different zip code. Made from 100% recycled materials (Vietnam era military scrap) so we being conscientiously green.

Order now and we will throw in free shipping...::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Does this stuff work on parakeet poo? and would it need to be used in a well ventilated area?
