Saturday, July 5, 2008

Parade cont.

I was just in the mood to put up a few more parade pictures just to lighten the mood. This one is just special.

Ah, yes, Midwest American at it finest. Mom must be so proud.

You look big and strong, I have an idea.

I'll bite her on the ankle and you grab her candy and run, well meet up at the dry cleaners around the corner.Okay, maybe I should just go for the Hunan high roundhouse running kick and knock her down, then we can both grab her candy and run. She will be like a little blond pinata falling over. On the count of three. One..............Two......... what comes next?
No body told me cheerleaders got wet. You could of warned me, what are you looking at anyway!!!!!!!!

New to the Beijing Olympics summer of 2008, the CAT HERDING event. How many adults and how long does it take to put 15 kindergartners in a pickup truck.

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