Thursday, July 3, 2008

Pray again.

Angie has family who are undergoing yet another difficult trial. This is one of those trials that put a persons entire existence under strain. The kind of trail that stretches a person physically, emotionally, financially, and spiritually. The kind of stress that only comes when your young child is seriously ill and requires very risky surgery. This is the story of Isaiah as best as my memory can relate it.

Isaiah was several months along inside his mothers womb when the doctors discovered a genetic problem. They recommended a somewhat late term abortion because the heart would not develop and the child would not likely survive birth, and if so, only a few hours after that. Mom and dad said no and through God's grace Isaiah is around 3 years old now. Maybe a little younger or older, my memory isn't that great. Yesterday, yet another of several surgeries this little fellow has needed took place. Something called a Fontan procedure. The risk was high, but there were no other real options. Shortly after the procedure took place the decision was made that it needed to be reversed because it wasn't working. Another surgery ensued. The prognosis has never been good. We are waiting for an update.

The purpose of this post is prayer. Angie has contacted the prayer warriors at our former church, Hartzell UMC, and our current church, Crosspointe and I am now posting to seek the prayers of my friends in cyberspace.

Dear Lord,
Please lay Your calming and comforting hand upon this family as we Your servants seek understanding of Your will.
Please bring peace to this family as they faithfully walk in Your will.
Lord we give You all the glory that is Yours for bringing this blessing into the world as You have shown to be stronger than man and medicine in bringing him here.
We give You all the Praise just for being God.
Heavenly Father, if it is Your will, show Your Glory and Mercy to us Your servants once again by healing what is broken and righting what is wrong.
Raise up Isaiah as sign of Your Glory, raise him up to be a great man of God, an old man of God.
Blessed be Your will.
In the name of Your son, Jesus we pray...............
Amen, Amen, and Amen


Unknown said...

Praying for Isaiah and all of his family.

Anonymous said...

Definitely praying.

Pastor Eldred said...
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Pastor Eldred said...

Your spokesman, Isaiah, had a grand vision of You, high and lifted up that changed his life forever. We lift up his namesake, this young Isaiah, and ask that through his life we would see a vision of You, high and lifted up. We ask that you would change our lives forever as a result; and that this young Isaiah would be greatly used by You to point many to Yourself, as You see best fitting.


Gracesdad said...

Thank you Dale, Amy, and especially you Charlie.