Tuesday, July 8, 2008

Pirated a post from Digger

I just played pirate and copied this list from my friend Digger. ( http://www.diggersnew.blogspot.com/ )

It was so funny that I had no choice. He got if from Mikies Funnies which you can access through his blog. I took the list from him to share with you, and of course I will add my own commentary and experience to the list as you go. I will attempt to put my add ons in RED to keep them separate from the original text.


  • 1. You remember when Jordache jeans with a flat-handle comb in the back pocket was cool. Yes I do, never had Jordache but I remember the look of the backside of the jeans quite well, and I remember the comb, I even remember when I had hair.
  • 2. Any photograph of you shows you wearing an Izod shirt with the collar turned up. I wouldn't afford Izod, but I had a plethora of the K-Mart knock offs.
  • 3. You know any "Weird Al" Yankovic songs by heart. MY Bologna
  • 4. You've ever rung someones doorbell and said "Landshark!" Oh yeaaah.
  • 5. You were once bowled over by the technological excellence of such products as Atari, IntelliVision, TelStar and Coleco. Missile command on Atari was just addictive. Also in the computer world, Going from a Commodore 64 to a 128 was a light year leap forward in technological excellence. Now my phone has more memory.
  • 6. You remember the premier of MTV--or worse yet, you remember its predecessor, "Friday Night Videos." "Video killed the Radio Star"
  • 7. You and your friends ever discussed having a reunion at the end of the century and playing Prince's "1999." Discussed it, did it, I think, hard to remember.
  • 8. A predominant color in your childhood photos is plaid. Plaid shirts, corduroy pants (whistle britches) patches on the elbows and knees, how stylish that was, high waters even.
  • 9. You remember when music that was labeled "alternative" really was alternative, and when "alternative comedy" was really funny. Sorta, I think "big lizard in my backyard" was alternative.
  • 10. You took family trips BEFORE the invention of the minivan. 1972 Chevy Impala, nine foot hood and room from 12 close friends.
  • 11. (Related to #10) You rode in the back of the station wagon facing the cars behind you. Nope,
  • 12. You've recently horrified yourself by using any one of the following phrases: "You know, back when...," "When I was your age...," or "When I was younger..." "back when I was still in shape" "Back in the day" "Back when people were still responsible for themselves"
  • 13. Schoolhouse Rock played a HUGE part in how you learned things like grammar, math and history. (A big hint here is if the only way you can recite the Preamble to the Constitution is by singing it.) I'm just a bill, yeah I'm only a bill, just a sittin here on capitol hill.
  • 14. You ever dressed to look like someone in a Madonna, Cyndi Lauper or Duran Duran video. Suddenly I feel hungry, "hungry like a wolf", Never dressed like Cyndi, but I was disappointed at the time that I could never find the 'girls' who just wanted to have fun.
  • 15. You remember your first kiss with someone having happened while either "Leather and Lace" or "Crazy for You" was playing. Nope, Aliza Paul predated these tunes.
  • 16. You remember with pain the day the Green Machine hit the streets (or the sidewalks), instantly making your Big Wheel obsolete. NOTHING was ever better than the Big Wheel, that's blasphemy. I rode the cheap plastic wheels off that thing at Grandma's house.
  • 17. The age-old question "Where's the beef?" still makes you laugh. Te - Hee, yep still laugh.
  • 18. You remember when film critics raved that no movie could ever possibly have more advanced special effects than "TRON." Never saw it
  • 19. You had a crush on Ted the photographer on "Love Boat," Gage from "Emergency," or Ponch from "CHIPS." Nope, I was straight even then, did have a crush on Ginger from Gilligan's Island though.
  • 20. Your hair at some point in time in the '80s could only be described by saying, "I was experimenting." I am the mullet man, yes I am.
  • 21. You've ever shopped at Benetton. Not willingly, American Eagle yes.
  • 22. You're starting to believe that having the kids in school year-round wouldn't be such a bad idea after all. Since we are largely not an agrarian society at this point, yes, school should be year round. Farm kids should get off and get credit for time served working, but the rest should still be in class.
  • 23. You're currently employed doing something that has absolutely nothing to do with your college major. Not exactly
  • 24. U2 is too popular and mainstream for you now. ICK
  • 25. You remember trying to guess which episode of "The Brady Bunch" it was by the first scene. I loved Marsha Marsha Marsha
  • 26. You had a front-row seat (i.e., blew off one or more classes) for Luke and Laura's wedding on "GH." Yawn, nope
  • 27. Your parents wanted you to attend medical school, but you decided it was pointless since Quincy got all the babes anyway. Yep, I wanted to be Starsky or Hutch.
  • 28. You know who shot J.R. Cant recall, but Dallas et al sucked.
  • 29. You recall when Love's Baby Soft was in every girl's Christmas stocking. Really?
  • 30. This rings a bell: "My name is Charlie, and they work for me." This show should have never been permitted on television, for it causes 12 year old boys to sin, along with Wonder woman. Ohhhhh my.
  • 31. You were unsure if Diet Coke would ever catch on. (Related item: you were sure that "New Coke" would NEVER catch on.) New Coke was awful, awful awful.
  • 32. You know all the words to the double-album set of the "Grease" soundtrack. Not really
  • 33. You've ever had a Dorothy Hamill haircut. Nope, guy thing, had the mullet. had the parted in the middle feathered look, had the Reagan part on the right, no Dorothy.
  • 34. You sat with your friends on any given Friday night circa 1982 and dialed 867-5309 to see if Jenny was actually there. Giggling the whole time.
  • 35. "All skate, change directions" means something to you. It meant I was in the wrong place, cant skate.
  • 36. You've ever owned a pair of rainbow suspenders like the ones Mork used to wear. Oh yes, loved them, Nano Nano.
  • 37. You bought a pair of Vanns and wanted to order a pizza in history class so you could be just like Jeff Spicoli. (Related item: if you've ever smacked yourself in the head with a shoe and exclaimed, "I'm so wasted!") Or, "Demented and sad, but social" (breakfast club)
  • 38. You owned a Preppy Handbook. I was more the geek or the hood, never was too much the prep, tried it, failed, moved on. I owed parachute pants though, a whole free fall wardrobe at one point.
  • 39. You were too young to see "Blue Lagoon," so you just had to settle for the second-hand reports. In the school yard from the 8Th graders, yep.
  • 40. You remember when movies were only PG and R. " Those were the dayyyyysss"
  • 41. You learned to swim at about the same time "Jaws" came out....and still carry the emotional scars to prove it. Never worried me much. Didn't get near real water till I was much much older.
  • 42. You remember when your cable TV box had a sliding selector switch...and your "cable remote" was connected to the TV by CORD! Time Warner cable and ON TV.
  • 43. Your jaw would ache by the time you finished one of those brick-sized packages of Bazooka. Loved the lame cartoons inside.
  • 44. You remember Bo and Luke Duke, Daisy, Boss Hogg, or--worst of all--what Sheriff Roscoe's full name was. Roscoe P. Coltrane. Loved those shorts too by the way. I still want Boss Hogs car, I will have one in my retirement and drive it to Mexico.
  • 45. Your parents paid $2,000 for a top-loading VCR that was almost the size of a coffee table. Not my parents.
  • 46. You found nothing strange about Bert and Ernie living together. I always thought they were in the closet. Led there by Mr. Rogers.
  • 47. You remember having a rotary phone. Big Big thing it was, kinky curly 2 foot cord and all.
  • 48. You actually believed that Mikey--famed kid on the Life cereal commercials--died after eating Pop Rocks and drinking a Coke. You mean he didn't?
  • 49. "Members Only" jackets...say no more. Don't recall this one. I only remember varsity jackets. I couldn't afford a real jacket so mom got me a windbreaker and glued my Honors letter to the back, Can you say Nerd?
  • 50. And lastly, I'll make a song stick in your head for the rest of the day:...you actually remember the words to the the theme song of "The Greatest American Hero." That one is faintly there, but "the Jefferson's" and "Good times" and "Happy Days" and "Laverne and Shirley" and "Gilligan's Island" and I just loved Archie and Edith Bunker.

"Movin on up, to the East Side, got a de-luxe apartment in the sky. "

Thanks again to Digger for this trip down memory lane.

(HT Dale)


Dreaming again said...

I am a "barely baby boomer" Nov 21, 1964 ..so just a few weeks later and I'd not have been a baby boomer ...

you've NO idea how close this struck!!!!
Tooooooooo funnny!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Unknown said...

Answer to #50

"Look at what's happened to me, I can't believe it myself. Suddenly I'm up on top of the world, could have been somebody else...

Believe it or or not, I'm walking on air, I never thought I could feel so free-ee-ee. Believe or not, on a wing and prayer... Who could it be... Believe it or not, it's just me...

(Little know trivia... George on Seinfeld used a version of this for his answering machine message...)

And what is really bad is I have this on my iPod.

Unknown said...

Ha! Too funny! Thanks for the HT. btw, I did ride in the back of the station wagon in the rear facing seat! Great fun!


Gracesdad said...

On your Ipod Mark? Say it aint so....

Digger, I never had the chance and I was a shy kid so facing traffic would not be my choice, but it did always look like fun.

Yes PK, this was a little too real and just plan funny.