Thursday, July 10, 2008

School House Rock

Thanks to Digger I have been taking a trip down memory lane the last day or two. I have been thinking about those things that were either unique or prevalent during the years of my generation.

I also have a pet peeve with today's teenagers. Either I have grown too old (entirely possible) to be able to understand and relate to teens, or kids get dumber with every generation. Half the teens I know are slow as molasses and thick as a fence post. Like my father in law used to say, "too dumb to pour piss out of a boot with the directions on the heel". I have often wondered why this is the case. I have discovered the cause, I now know the culprit, it is all so clear to me now. Is it lack of parenting skills and the dismemberment of the family unit? NO. Is it the collapse of the public school system and degeneration of public values decade by decade? NOPE. Could it be the influence of video games and the dehumanization and desensitization of people caused by the constant barrage of violence and porn? NOT IT. Could it be a genetic disorder caused by too much pesticide in our diets from generation to generation? Valid point, but NO.

Teens don't know anything about their government, their history, or their language because they have been deprived of School House Rock. This is how we learned all of the things we needed to know and how we got through middle school and high school and even into college. We were smarter than our parents and we became more productive as a generation than our parents so logic only leaves the lack of educational Saturday morning cartoons. We could learn anything from these toons, history , government, parts of speech, even proper diet. This is what is wrong with teens these days. Its not the schools, the parents or the government that have failed them. The culprit is poor choices by network television executives.

I feel better knowing its not the teens fault, and now I know who to blame.


Anonymous said...

School House Rock and Looney Toons should be restored to their rightful place on Saturday mornings!

Unknown said...

I would love to see the old looney tunes on Saturday mornings again. I can remember many a Saturday of me, my brother and my dad laughing together at the shenanigans of Wile E, Daffy, Elmer, Bugs and the rest of the crew!