Wednesday, May 14, 2008


Well, last night began the first step toward losing weight by going green. Gracie and I took a walk to the pond to feed the ducks. The ducks were not interested, but the fish reacted like piranha eating two hamburger buns in about a minute. Gracie fell down and skinned both knees on the way down, new flip flops. It is only 50 degrees or so outside and pouring down rain, so I doubt we walk tonight, but I think maybe we can wonder around Krogers for a while and get some walking in that way.

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I got an email today from one of my friends in China. I sent her an email checking up on her because of the earthquake. She is doing fine thank goodness. Here is the email she replied with:

Dear Chris:
Thank you soooo much for you concern,both my family and I are fine ,but lots of school buildings collapsed ,so lots of kids were buried there is crazy there now ....the whole China is donating money ,clothes ,food ,ect to these areas....we all hope that more and more alive people can not found,love,Ann

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I posted a new link on my blogroll the other day. Its called "afterstories" These are stories about adoptions that have not gone exactly as planned. I found the site quite by accident but I have read it completely because it lets me know just how blessed we have been with Gracie.
(PS: no thats not really me in the first picture, but it does give you a pretty accurate idea)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Please post another blog-that pic is the first thing you see when you log on....Scares me!!!LOL
