Thursday, October 2, 2008

Global Warming

I am a genius. I have discovered the cause of global warming, and better yet I have a cure. Common perception, or misperception as the case may be, is that global warming is caused by the trapping of certain gases in the upper atmosphere. Gases that allow sunlight in, but don't let the radiant heat from the sun back out. This theory is full of controversy because the scientific community is arguing about its validity whilst the politicians (Algore) are grasping hold of it for their own political and financial gain. I don't buy the theory personally because I don't believe the gases can actually be 'trapped' anyplace. I mean think about it, what goes up, must come down. Carbon, the evil villain here, goes up, mixes with moisture and comes back down as rain, acid rain perhaps, but it came back down. All this is irrelevant however because I have found the true cause.

Oil drilling. That's right, oil drilling, not the burning of the oil but the removal of the oil from the earth.

Its simple really, and logical if you really think about it. What is oil? What purpose does it serve? Well, it is a lubricant which means it is a friction reducer. What does friction cause? Why it causes things to become hotter that's what. Oil is also a coolant, a coolant reduces heat. If it the heat is not reduced, well its hotter than it would be otherwise.

We are removing the earths natural lubrication and cooling system from the land masses of the earth. Is so doing, we are causing the land to become hotter, and the hotter land is therefore causing hotter air. The hotter air is causing warmer weather. Its just that simple.

What proof is there? Well one, a notable increase in volcanic activity tells us that the lower regions of the earth are getting hotter. Second is an increase in seismic activity, earthquakes are becoming more frequent, more violent and more widespread because the natural lubricants that allow the tectonic plates to shift has been diminished.

What can we do? First, stop removing oil from the ground. This would require us to stop using oil and use more natural gas and other alternative fuel sources. Second, we need to start replacing what we have removed. Take all that used motor oil and start pumping it back into the ground. Also, we need to manufacture more synthetic oil and pump it into the ground as well. We may be able to substitute other lubricants as well, baby oil and soap products for example.

Its true and it makes sense if you think about it long enough. Gas cant get trapped, it either mixes with moisture in the sky and returns to the earth or it rises up until it gets hit by the solar winds and swept out into the cosmos. We don't live in a bubble, there is no lid on the sky, the prevailing opinions are mere drivel created by scientists who own stock in wind and solar power generation companies.

The truth is the danger lies beneath us, not above us.....................

1 comment:

Unknown said...

I would not quit your day job...


I actually think that Global Warming started when my wife was born... she talks too much.