Tuesday, October 28, 2008

Mr. Mom #3

Well week one is over and I am back to work.

This week we are depending on the help of those good friends around us. One neighbor is picking up Gracie every morning and taking her to the bus stop for us. I stay home long enough to get her fed and dressed and get momma up and then its up to others from there.

Other neighbors are taking turns bringing Angie lunch and picking up Gracie from the bus. Gracie has a play date everyday this week after school.

Neighbors are even fixing and bringing by dinner.

I just want to take a second and thank the many people who have put forth such effort and shown such love in this crisis.

Thank you to Amie, Amy, Andrea, Penny, Rachael, Jill, Linda, Pam, Glenda and any others I may have forgotten. I want to make a special thank you to Mrs. Nicole who took charge of organizing the schedule and providing a special safe place for Miss Gracie with the love of her home. I also want to make a special thank you to Pastor Tim for his spiritual guidance.

Thank you as well to all who have lifted us up in prayer this last little while, your prayers have been felt and Angie is doing well.

Now I will endeavor a short trip from the sublime into the ridiculous.

I know its a bit early for Christmas songs but I know you know the tune so sing with me brothers and sisters.

The twelve days of Mr. Mom.

Twelve loads of laundry
Eleven hours of HGTV (each and every ^$&%T$#^ day)
Ten loads of dishes
Nine games of Candyland
Eight hours of homework
Seven fish caught by Gracie (one so big is scared her)
Six bandage changes
Five more weeks of recovery
Four pain pills
Three missing socks
Two scrambled eggs
And a Blessed neighborhood of Friends.

Thanks again everybody................................


Andrea said...

You are most welcome Mr. Chris!

Anonymous said...

So, does going back to work seem relaxing after all that? :)

Gracesdad said...

Not really, I still have the laundry, dishes, get Gracie ready for school, homework, and a partridge in a pear tree to deal with

Unknown said...

You should have put a better warning in there before the song! I was drinking something! It's great that you're surrounded by people willing to help you during Angie's recovery! God provides!