Tuesday, March 4, 2008


Today's deep thought:

"You can't have everything. Where would you put it?"

HT to comedian Stephen Wright.


We are a greedy people. So greedy in fact that we have even invented phrases to describe our greediness. Phrases like, "keeping up with the Jones's". We even have entire industries that constantly improve things just because we want to buy new stuff, not that the thing didn't work, were worn out or needed improved. We must have the biggest SUV that hauls 23 kids, which is now being replaced buy the need to have the greenest car that gets 150 MPG. (http://evolution.loremo.com/) We must have the biggest smallest Ipod, or Iphone. Why cant I live without a nano, or a nino for that matter. Must I have Vista, I really don't want it. Don't get me started on Xbox and PS whatever the heck it is this week. Why cant we stop the need for more more more. And just so the tech nerds don't feel left out of the "I want new toys" parade, no, I don't tweeter or twitter and I don't RSS feed read or burn either because I like to see people hit my site meter and I return the favor by hitting theirs. Speed is another thing, why do we need cars that go 150MPH? I cant drive that fast anyway because of all the other cars on the road, all with only one person in them I might add. Anyway, deep thought for the day, the next time we head off to the store we should ask ourselves, do I need one more Vera Bradley purse just because I don't have that pattern yet and Judith has more than me, or can I really live without it just fine. Just a thought, a deep thought.

I am now going to listen to my non-satellite AM radio as I drive my leased SUV home to my palacial estate in Maineville. (HT to Bill Cunningham for the palacial estate line)

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